Has Jira updated to provide a way to restore deleted items?

Torrance Robinson
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March 27, 2023

I know they did not do this in the past but these seems like a web 1.0 kinda thing for a SaaS. Has this been updated?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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March 28, 2023

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Jira has no "keep deleted issue" function, other than the project trash, which keeps whole projects and all their issues.  (It's actually just a flag that completely hides the entire project)

The apps I've seen provide "restore deleted issue" are relying on one of two things:

  • You have a backup
  • You install the app and it can then monitor, log, and capture any deletes, enabling you to fetch back any issue you want.  But they have nothing to work with before they are installed
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Trudy Claspill
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March 27, 2023

Hello @Torrance Robinson 

To which "items" are you referring?

Deleted Projects go to a Trash bin where they are held for a period of time, able to be restored, before being permanently deleted.

There is no comparable native function for deleted issues. Atlassian does not appear to plan to provide that per https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-36415

There are work arounds and third party apps discussed in the comments on the above issue.

Torrance Robinson
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March 27, 2023

Hi Trudy, a story or bug with subtasks. I was using the app (never a good idea) to organize and add. I deleted an new subtask that I created as it was not showing as one. It now appears the whole story with all subtasks were deleted. I am trying to get it back. I not see any trash and when I load the issue it says "You don't have access to this issue"

Vish Reddy _Revyz_
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March 27, 2023

Hi @Torrance Robinson 

If you have deleted an issue (be it a task / sub task / story etc..) then it is deleted from the system immediately, it will not go to the trash bin.

Only projects end up in the trash bin when deleted and they are available for 60 days.

Do you by any chance have a backup of the issue in question? If yes then you can recover back from that.

If you don't make regular backup's I would recommend that you consider doing so, you can see the options at hand from my post on a similar topic here.


Sorry not the best news to convey to you. 

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