So i am trying to setup the "GitLab for Jira Cloud app" inside Jira for our self-hosted GitLab instance. I managed to install the Integration in Jira manually via the app-descriptor like it is described here: GitLab for Jira Cloud app administration | GitLab )
For this we made our GitLab publicly available only for the Atlassian IP ranges as "allow inbound traffic".
Internally git.company.intra is used and for the Atlassian Access we set up git.company.de
The Installation worked.
But on the "Getting Started" Step inside Jira we get the following Error:
Why does the URI say git.company.intra even tho the app is installed via git.company.de URI. It also does not matter what i write in the GitLab Integration Settings, because i think this URI is set via the App-Descriptor informations. Do we have to change the "external URI" settings inside the GitLab-Server itself?