Force display of unchecked checkboxes for a customfield on issue

emilieL29 April 30, 2019

Hi everyone!

I'm currently working on a feature that require the creation of a new customfield of type multiselect that propose a list of checkboxes to check.

I managed to create the customfield I needed but if the checkboxes are not checked, the options doesn't appears in the issue (view.vm).

I'm currently searching in target/jira/webapp/secure/admin.views/customfields if I can change the code that hide the options if not checked.

Did someone already did that? Any advice on how/what to change so I can see my unchecked boxes on my issues ?

Thanks :-) 

1 answer

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emilieL29 May 2, 2019

I found an interesting documentation but it's for the custom field of type select list :

Is anyone has the same kind of solution but for a checkboxes type of customfield ?

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