Fetch the specific initiative key from one project and update it to epics parent of other projects

Nithya Natarajan April 4, 2024

Hi Team,

Automation to fetch the new initiatives key from TestA project and map it to the Epics parent field of other projects based on the "Jira Project Key" from Initiatives.

We have project named as TestA which has Initiatives from (T1 to T50) and each Initiative has a custom text field called Jira Project Key that holds a project key of other projects which has epics related to.

We need to write a automation rule to fetch the Jira Project Key and find the epics in that project and tag to the right Initiative key.

Each TestA initiatives has a custom text field named as Jira Project Key - has values like APMT or OCA or TPMT or STPA.
APMT has many epics already existing within that project and a field called Parent that should be automatically tagged to T-3
OCA has many epics already existing within that project and a field called Parent that should be automatically tagged to T-5
TPMT has many epics already existing within that project and a field called Parent that should be automatically tagged to T-2

Tried some automations but it's not much helpful. Please share your insights.Automation rule.jpg

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Kalyan Sattaluri
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April 4, 2024

Hello @Nithya Natarajan 

Sorry, am having hard time following the requirement.

What is your trigger which should start this rule?

This Test A initiative has a field. What kind of field is it? Check box? Drop down? 

And based on that value/values, you want to "tag" (label?) the epics under the Test A with some value?

Your screenshot is not doing that and need more clarity on the requirements.

Also, just FYI - the syntax is {{lookupIssues}}, not {{lookupissues}}. So your For Each smart value should be {{lookupIssues.key}}

So please clearly state what is the trigger, what kind of field is it in Test A, and what do you want to happen.

Nithya Natarajan
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April 4, 2024

Hi Kalyan,

Thanks for helping.

Automation should fetch the jira project key from Initiative project, named(TestA) and then tag the correct initiative as parent to those epics on all different projects. It must trigger to existing epics also to any newly created epics.

We have many initiatives like - T-1, T-2 , T-3 and so on

These TestA project initiatives has a custom text field named as Jira Project Key - (Which is tagged to jira project keys of other projects APMT, OCA, TPMT, STPA) etc

APMT has many epics within that project and a field called Parent that should be automatically tagged to T-3

OCA has many epics within that project and a field called Parent that should be automatically tagged to T-5

TPMT has many epics within that project and a field called Parent that should be automatically tagged to T-2

STPA has many epics within that project and a field called Parent that should be automatically tagged to T-1 and so on.


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