Fehlermeldung bei Erstellung einer Sub-Task

Vera Piontkowski February 8, 2021

Hallo Zusammen,

ich habe aktuell folgendes Problem in Jira. Ich möchte unter einem Task eine Sub-Task anlegen. Das geht auch immer bei der ersten Sub-Task. Sobald ich aber weitere Sub-Tasks anlegen möchte, zeigt Jira mir eine Fehlermeldung (gelbes Warn-Dreieck): 

"Wir konnten diesen Sub-Task nicht erstellen. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung und versuchen Sie es anschließend erneut."

Dieses Problem hatte ich jetzt schon zweimal. 

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand weiterhelfen kann und weiß, woran es liegen könnte. Danke vorab für die Hilfe! 

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 9, 2021

Hello @Vera Piontkowski,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

Thank you for the details. I tried to replicate the same issue here, but it works fine. 

I changed some settings, for example, added a default assignee without permission, a required field just to check if it would show this error, but it shows the correct error message and I’m able to create the sub-task.

When did this issue start?

Is it happening to other users?

Can you please open the developer tools on your browser and check if it shows any error on the console tab?

Was there any change in the settings before this issue start happening?

Is it happening on all projects?

Kind regards,

Vera Piontkowski February 10, 2021

Hello @Angélica Luz ! 

Thanks for your answer and help! 

The problem starts by creating a second sub-task. The first sub-task makes no problems, but the creation of a second sub-task shows the described error message. It's very strange and the problem is only in my account. My colleagues have no problems by creating tasks or sub-tasks. 

There was no change in the settings before this issue starts and yes, the problem happens on all the projects/ epics. 

After some time I was able to create the remaining sub-tasks yesterday.

I am watching the problem now and will report again if it occurs again.


Thanks for help! 

Kind regards - Vera 

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Burak Kongur
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July 2, 2021

I got the same problem after changing the worfklow of the sub-task.


Do you have a solution ?

Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 2, 2021

Hi @Burak Kongur,

Welcome to Community!

I was able to replicate this issue only when the default assignee (usually the product lead) of the project doesn't have assign permission.

Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 09.52.01.png

With this said, it's important to check on Project settings > Details if the project lead is someone with permissions on the project, otherwise, change the default assignee to "Unassigned".

If you mentioned that it started after changing the workflow, so please, also compare the previous workflow with this new one, it may have some post function or validator on the create issue transition causing the problem.

Kind regards,

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Burak Kongur
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July 2, 2021

Guten Tag,


die selbe Fehlermeldung habe ich derzeit auch. Haben Sie bereits eine Lösung gefunden ?




Vera Piontkowski July 2, 2021

Guten Tag, 


leider nein - bei mir ging es dann nach einiger Zeit einfach wieder. 


Viele Grüße


Tino Krüger
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July 2, 2021


schau mal ob der Nutzer die Rechte hat in dem Projekt Vorgänge zu erstellen.

Bzw. im Workflow nur eine bestimmte Person, Gruppe die Vorgänge erstellen darf.

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