Estimated time "locked" on Cloud after logging time into the issue

Javier González May 19, 2022

Hello everyone,

On server, when estimating the time of an issue, there's a feature that allows you to link the initial/remaining estimation time so that one of the values can be updated at the same time. This means, once the Estimated time has been set, and a specific amount of minutes/hours has been added as "logged time", the initial estimated time can no longer be modified in anyway (on server).

However, this feature does not seem to be available in Cloud and we would like to reproduce the same behaviour just like on Server, by limiting the Estimated time "Input" so that no other values can be added once someone has previously input a "log time" to the issue. If does exist, could you please point out where to find it? Otherwise, Does anybody know of the existence of a plugin that is capable of performing such action?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best Regards,
J. Molina

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