Error while importing the file CSV with the test cases : The column 'reporter' generats an error

Zineb BAZOUN May 9, 2024


 "reporter": "Field while importing the file CSV with the test cases : The column 'reporter' generats an error :  


"reporter": "Field 'reporter' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown."

I need this information, for mentionning who has write the test cases, 

can you help me please!



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Dimitris Sylligardakis
Rising Star
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May 9, 2024

Hi Zineb

This could mean that the 'reporter' field is not configured to be available during the issue creation process in your Jira project. Here's how to potentially resolve this if you haven't tried these already:

Project Screens

  • Identify the Screens: Go to your project's settings > 'Screens'. Determine the screens used for the "Create Issue" operation and (optionally) the "Edit Issue" operation for the relevant issue type.
  • Add the 'reporter' Field: For each identified screen:
    • Click 'Configure'.
    • Drag the 'reporter' field from the available fields list onto the screen.
    • Hit the 'Update' button to save the changes.

Field Permissions

  • Project Permissions: Navigate to your project's settings > 'Permissions'.
  • Ensure Permissions: Make sure the account you're using for the import has these permissions for the relevant issue type:
    • 'Create Issues'
    • 'Edit Issues' (specifically, the permission to 'Modify Reporter')

Additional Considerations

  • Default Reporter: If you'd rather not include the 'reporter' field during the initial creation, try setting a default reporter in the project settings. This automatically populates the field on creation.
  • CSV File: Ensure your CSV file has a 'reporter' column with properly formatted values (usually usernames or email addresses of valid Jira users).
Zineb BAZOUN May 10, 2024

Hello Dimitris,

Thanks a lot for your reply, i don't have the possibility to access to project settings,

I will contact my administrator,

I let you know once trying your solution, 

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