Dynamically automate asset attribute assignment

Jurica Petricevic
Rising Star
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May 22, 2024

Hi community,

I have a question, and maybe someone has already encountered this issue. I would like to ask for information regarding a problem with Jira Assets.

When a certain status is reached or a ticket is created, the Assets field will be queried. Depending on the linked object in the Assets field and the attribute "Project," the associated project will be targeted, and a clone or ticket with the contents of the original ticket will be created there.

Is this even possible with Jira Assets?

Best regards, Jurica

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Rudy Holtkamp
Community Leader
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May 23, 2024

Hi @Jurica Petricevic ,

You can do this with Automation for Jira. 

Let me show an example. You have an asset filed called 'Asset' which contains an attribute 'ProjectId'. (*)


1. Here you can match your Asset with something you want. In this case it matches o to Computer, Laptop, Mobile & Printer

2. Here the condition is that the project id is known

3. Here you are going to use the project id to create the (in this case) story in the correct project


(*) You can also create an objecttype Project, which has attribute name, key and id (to be able to select the project name in the primary Asset. So you don't have to know the project id, which is needed to create the issue)

I hope this helps,


Jurica Petricevic
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 23, 2024

@Rudy Holtkamp, thank you for your time and effort, but I am still unable to accomplish this. None of these smart values return a result in my case. I even tried to get a plain output of them in a comment, and I always got a response that it is empty or that there is nothing in Jira under that smart value term. I must mention that I am using the Data Center solution, and this might be the reason. Do you think this is possible in my case?

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