Do not restart the target of the SLA after reopening the Request

February 8, 2021


Is there a way to prevent the target of SLA from being reset after the request is reopened? It is not possible to turn the resolved state into a pause in SLA in this scenario.




2 answers

1 vote
Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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February 8, 2021

Hi @GG ,

that is actually one of things I don't like about the current SLA implementation (out of the box). It does indeed reset the target when you "remove the Resolution".

If you look at the Time to resolution sla configuratio you'll see that there is no Pause condition defined and the Start condition contains the "Resolution:Cleared".

What I tend to do is like you mention:

  1. Remove the "Resolution:Cleared condition from the Start
  2. Remove the "Resolution:Set" condition from the Stop
  3. Add the "Resolution:Set" condition to the Paused
  4. Add the "Entered Status: Closed" on the Stop 

This way when you re-open the issue it will un-pause and continue to your original target. However it will pause when you resolve (set the resolution/enter status resolved|completed) but when you move to Closed it will finish the SLA completely. (and stop it)

I have it set up like this but you could also use the Resolution field:


the screenshot is from Cloud but the idea is the same on Server

It depends on which SLA whether you want to do this as for example a "response to customer" sla (if you have that) you do want to reset each time you ask a new question and they reply.

February 9, 2021

I have a custom SLA where the request is Assign to the Assignee, starts and stops with the status resolved. In the designed process, the reporter can reopen the request after resolving the request. After the reopening, the SLA is reset while it should continue. I want the SLA to continue after the reopening

Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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February 9, 2021

I don't really understand that SLA (from a process point of view) but to fix it would just be to

  1. move the STOP condition to the Pause condition
  2. Define a new STOP condition (like a Closed status)
  3. Remove the START condition that is not "issue created"
0 votes
Gökçe Gürsel {Appfire}
Atlassian Partner
February 9, 2021

Hi @GG ,

You can try Time to SLA for this. 

Time to SLA has a wide range of calculation methods that can assist you with your use case.

For this, you can try the All Cycles calculation method, which will allow SLAs to continue counting where they left off once the issue goes back to the start status i.e. Re-opened.

Screen Shot 2021-02-09 at 11.41.21.png

Please let me know if you have further questions.



Please note that I'm one of the members of the Snapbytes team.

February 9, 2021

I know it. Now i can not migrate to it. Is there any solution with using JIRA Service Desk feature?

Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 9, 2021

Well yes.. just read my previous comment and adjust your SLA conditions to make it pause instead of stop/restart..

Like Charlie Misonne likes this
February 13, 2021

I generated reports in the JIRA based on the the completed time and I can not turn it into a stopped state. All my calculations in the reports will be affected.

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