Date format for "Due Date" field

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July 21, 2023

Hello from Ukraine everybody!


I`m failed to reach my goals so I need community help. Here is my introduction...
I`ve been tying to change date format for the field that called "Due Date":



So... I do not like the "Jul" part. I understand that in this particular example the date format is "dd MMM yyyy". I want it to be "". I also understand that this may be possible, because when I click on this field it looks like this:


This time the date format is "dd/mm/yyyy", which is almost the same in comparison with what I want to see. I`m already tried to manage so called "advanced settings", but it seems to be completely useless because it changed nothing. Here is my current settings:


So the question is... Is it possible to change time format for "Due Date" field in issue card on the board AND in the issue itself?

P.S. for those who have read this till the end, I`m sorry for my possible mistakes in English xD 

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Ste Wright
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August 6, 2023

Hi @reserved_ 

As far as I know, unfortunately you can't modify these date formats at this point.


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 6, 2023

Hi @Ste Wright

Ok, it`s a bit sad, but thank you for your answer

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Micheal Planck
April 5, 2024

There are places to set the date format in both Jira and Confluence configuration.

They just get ignored.

Abdullah Said
November 5, 2024

@Micheal Planck wdym by ignored? ignored as in useless?

Micheal Planck
November 5, 2024

Thank you for pointing me to this question! Per the question, Confluence : date picker format, the format of date picker is solely based on the language you have set in Confluence. It is not expected that modifying the Confluence date format would change this.

In the past, we've had both a bug and a feature request logged for this. I would recommend you vote on and watch both:

  • CONFSERVER-40087 Date picker macro doesn't use specified date format (Bug)
  • CONFSERVER-55188 Make the date format for the date picker "//" shortcut configurable

I hope that's clear, but do let me know if you have any questions about that!

Atlassian explaining that they did not expect modifying the Confluence date format to have any impact on Confluence. Now you might wonder why it's even there and editable, if it can't do anything; but that kind of logic is why you don't work at Confluence.

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