Copy custom-field from user to new issue

Andy Bucksch November 10, 2011

Hi there,

we use JIRA as ticket system for our customers. Each customer can have several users.

We add a custom-field to each ticket (with the company name) to make the issues from the users of the same company visible to each other. This works pretty good so far.

Anyway, there is one problem left. When a new issus was created, one of our employees has to set this custom-field by hand.

Now my question:

Is there a way to automate this process? My idea is to set an other custom field in each user with the company name and copy this value when the user creates a new issue. This would be a great solution, because the users are already in groups that hold the company name.

Is thhre a build in solution in JIRA to do this, or is there a better solution to handle this situation?

Any idea how to implement this? I'm completely new to JIRA programming.

1 answer

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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November 10, 2011

You can add a 'company' property to the users and copy this to the custom field on a post function in the Create transition.

To add properties to users, see

Post functions can be written as explained here.

Andy Bucksch November 10, 2011

Hi Jobin,

thx for your quick reply. I will look into the post functions tutorial.

Cause of your suggestion doing it by myselfe, i think there is no build in solution to handle this?

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 10, 2011

I haven't seen one that works with user properties. Btw, the tutorial is just a sample post function. You will have to modify it to your needs.

Andy Bucksch November 10, 2011

Yes, i got that, thank you. I will try if i get a plugin together. :)

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