Change substasks to tasks and define a story father

José Roberto Cavalcante Alves June 26, 2024



I need to change the subtasks to taks and define the stories.. When I change to tasks, I can not define a story, because the system only show me the epics

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Trudy Claspill
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June 26, 2024

Hello @José Roberto Cavalcante Alves 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

To change a subtask issue to a standard issue you need to view the subtask issue and then use the Convert to issue option from the action menu (the button with the three dots in the upper right corner.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 11.03.40 AM.png


What do you mean by "define the stories" for the subtask you changed to a task?

The issue type hierarchy in Jira is:

|-- standard level issues (i.e. Story, Task, Bug)
|-- subtasks

A standard level issue can have only subtasks as child issues. An Epic can have only standard level issues as child issues.

If you change a subtask to a Task, then you can define new child subtasks for your Task, but you can't create Stories as child issues of the Task.

José Roberto Cavalcante Alves June 27, 2024

"What do you mean by "define the stories" for the subtask you changed to a task?"

Define the stories means to set a father. But when I change to task and try to define the father, doesn't appears stories, just epics. Then, I can not choose a story. 

José Roberto Cavalcante Alves June 27, 2024

I want to create tasks as child issues of the sotories. But when I change from subtasks to tasks the system only show me Epics

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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June 27, 2024

Hello @José Roberto Cavalcante Alves 

You cannot make Tasks child issues under Stories. As I already stated:

The issue type hierarchy in Jira is:

|-- standard level issues (i.e. Story, Task, Bug)
|-- subtasks

A standard level issue can have only subtasks as child issues. An Epic can have only standard level issues as child issues.

If you change a subtask to a Task, then you can define new child subtasks for your Task, but you can't create Stories as child issues of the Task.


An issue's parent must be for the hierarchy level directly above it. Subtask parents are issue types at the Standard Level Issues. Issue types at the Standard Level Issues may have parents that are Epics.

Since both Story and Task are Standard Level Issues, they cannot be parents of each other.

José Roberto Cavalcante Alves June 27, 2024

ok, tks a lot

José Roberto Cavalcante Alves June 27, 2024

Do you know how can I proceed to view substasks in the timeline ?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 27, 2024

With the basic Timeline functionality available with the Jira Standard plan subtask issues cannot be displayed in the Timeline.

José Roberto Cavalcante Alves June 27, 2024

Is my company plan basic ?

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