Can I see my views created in Atlas in a Confluence Wiki page?

Dolly Kirubavathi April 3, 2024

I am trying to view a specific set of goals that I have created in Atlas via a confluence Wiki page. Is that possible? Please help!

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Walter Buggenhout
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April 3, 2024

Hi @Dolly Kirubavathi,

To a certain extent, yes. It does not always contain all the exact details as you see them in Atlas, but you may come pretty close.

After you create a view, click the ... button next to its name in Atlas. You can click copy link there:

Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 08.26.50.png 

As the tooltip says, you can then paste that link in a Confluence page. There, it will automatically convert into a smart link, where you can choose how you want it displayed. 

The Embed option shows the most detailed version of the view. It should contain quite. a lot of the information you see in Atlas.

As I mentioned earlier, it is not always exactly with the same configuration as in Atlas, but in many cases it's already quite informative and also allows you to click through to Atlas with a single click if you need to.

Hope this helps!

Dolly Kirubavathi April 4, 2024

In confluence I only see the link when I paste it. Is there a  way to see the contents in the wiki? Like a table with al the goals info from my view?

The end result is for the leadership to view this page with the goals and their statuses and may be some metrics related to that. Screenshot 2024-04-04 080402.jpg

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