Can Epics be shown on Scrum Board?

Yonatan Schvimer
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November 7, 2022

My team is looking for a way to present Epics within the same board with Stories, Bugs etc. 
I am aware of the ability to see the 'Epics' in the 'Epic Panel' (which is not what we are looking for). 

I have seen on different videos/tutorials, that the 'Epic Panel' in the Board view can be 'toggled off' so that epics are shown as cards, but I am not able to see where/how to configure this option - The 'Epic Panel' toggle in the 'Board Settings - Columns' section doesn't appear.


3 answers

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ruben beaujolais June 23, 2023

Hello, the capability seems to be available when using team-managed project and not company-managed project unfortunately.

This what she's using in the video.

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Walter Buggenhout
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November 7, 2022

Hi @Yonatan Schvimer and welcome to the Community!

The epics panel can be toggled on/off on a kanban board, but not on a scrum board. Scrum is meant to work on issues in a short timeframe and those issues are not at the Epic level, but the level below (stories, bugs, tasks, ...).

So if you want to visualise Epics on a board, choose a kanban board instead. It is not uncommon to set up a dedicated kanban board that only has your team's Epics on it.

Hope this helps!

Walter Buggenhout
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November 8, 2022

@Yonatan Schvimer,

Following up on your comment:

Thanks @Walter Buggenhout _ACA IT_ - But in different tutorials I am seen that this option exists on Scrum boards as well. (here's a video tutorial showing, see 0:40 - ~1:30). 

You can clearly see in that video that this is a kanban board with the kanban backlog enabled. You cannot create sprints there, but it takes the overload of backlog issues from the actual kanban board. 

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Yonatan Schvimer
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November 8, 2022

Thanks @Walter Buggenhout - But in different tutorials I am seen that this option exists on Scrum boards as well. (here's a video tutorial showing, see 0:40 - ~1:30). 

What am I missing?

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