Bulk uploading

Anth_Burnikell April 25, 2024

Hi this may be a really silly question when bulk uploading I can not figure out how to get the import to show details as bellow:-

Screenshot 2024-04-25 102505.png


instead of on the side can someone help before i mentally break

Screenshot 2024-04-25 102723.png

1 answer

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Durgesh Masurkar April 25, 2024

Dear @Anth_Burnikell


Could you please share the more details about this issue??

Anth_Burnikell April 25, 2024

so when bulk uploading i have noticed when the tickets are imported the info appears on the right-hand side. i am want this information to appear are if it was raised via the portal 

Durgesh Masurkar April 25, 2024

Post-Processing after Bulk Upload: If you've already bulk uploaded issues and want to adjust their properties to match portal-raised issues, you might need to do some post-processing. This could involve scripts or manual adjustments depending on the scale of the upload.

Anth_Burnikell April 26, 2024

@Durgesh Masurkar im not tec genius, and learning as i go is it something you can assist with?


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