Automation email is not triggered

EliasW19 February 11, 2021


I'm trying to make an email to trigger when an Issue is moved from status "BACKLOG" to "WAITING FOR APPROVAL". 


2021-02-11 12_46_15-Edit — Software Simplified Workflow for Project OB1 - Jira.png


My rule in Automation:
When: Issue has been moved From status "Backlog" To Status "Waiting for approval"
Then: Send email

2021-02-11 12_48_02-Project automation - Jira.pngWhen i check the auditlog i can't see that anything triggers when i move a ticket in the kanban board. Not even an error message.


If i don't define the status From-To and leave it blank it works, but that's not an option in this case.


Can you please help me?

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Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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February 11, 2021

Hi @EliasW19 ,

welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Please check the scope of your automation rule, whether is set to the correct project.

Rule details (Information om regel) -> Scope

If you want to do this on one project, there should be Single project option and under it in Projects field your project selected.

Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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February 11, 2021

Also please check the configuration of your kanban board, whether the columns of the board correspond with your statuses (so you are really performing the correct transition).

EliasW19 February 11, 2021


Hi and thanks for your answer.

Yes, the scope is set to the actual project and the Kanban board have the statuses in each column.2021-02-11 13_26_33-OB1 board - Project automation - Jira.png
2021-02-11 13_24_59-Project automation - Jira.png

I'm kind of stuck.

Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 11, 2021

Thank you for checking and providing more information... it looks good...

Hmmm, it has to do something with the statuses, if it works, when you remove them.

If you look into issue's history, where the transition has already been made, do you see there the correct source and target statuses?

What if you try to add just one of the statuses to the trigger? Does it work? I'm trying to find out which of the statuses does the problem.

EliasW19 February 11, 2021

I think i have found the issue. No Generic event is triggered on the transition. When i add this as the last Post function it seem to work!

Thanks anyways for your help.

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Jack Brickey
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February 11, 2021

@EliasW19 , that would certainly do it! I would recommend adding this as the answer to your issue and accepting it so that it appears at the top for future searchers.

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