Automation: Branch not editing lookupIssues, but triggerIssue

Hi There

What am I doing worng here? 

The objective is to loop through a list of looked-up issues and comment on each of the lookup issues.

For some reason this automation does not loop through the lookup issues, but comments on the trigger issue multiple times.

I am obviously missing something

I tried branching with both smart values and JQL. The JQL option gives and error.


Any assistance will be greatly appreciated

MariusAutomation - Smart value Loop.pngAutomation - JQL Loop.pngLog - JQL Loop.pngResult - Smart value Loop.pngLog - Smart value Loop.png

2 answers

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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May 23, 2024

Hi @van den Bergh_ Marius_ Vodacom _External_ 

This appears to be a duplicate of your earlier question, possibly caused by the connectivity issue you noted:

Kind regards,

0 votes
Mark Segall
Community Leader
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May 23, 2024

Hi @van den Bergh_ Marius_ Vodacom _External_ - Rather than a Lookup Issues action, I would recommend creating a JQL branch using the query in your Lookup Issues action.  It will be more efficient and should deliver the desired results.

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