Automation: Branch not editing lookupIssues, but triggerIssue

Hi There

What am I doing worng here? 

The objective is to loop through a list of looked-up issues and comment on each of the lookup issues.

For some reason this automation does not loop through the lookup issues, but comments on the trigger issue multiple times.

I am obviously missing something

I tried branshing with both smart values and JQL

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated


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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 23, 2024

Hi @van den Bergh, Marius, Vodacom (External) 

For a question like this, please post an image of your complete automation rule, images of any relevant actions / conditions / branches, an image of the audit log details showing the rule execution, and explain what is not working as expected.  Those will provide context for the community to offer ideas.  Thanks!

Until we see those...


What is the purpose of using the Lookup Issues action in your rule?


I hypothesize your rule looks like this:

  • trigger: some trigger
  • action: lookup issues with JQL
  • advanced branch: on the lookup issues
    • action: comment on issue (for the trigger)

If that is the case, the problem is when the advanced branch loops over the lookup results, it is only looking at data, and not the issues themselves.  And so the only issue available for edit is the trigger issue.

To edit the issues for a set of JQL, please use the JQL branch:

  • trigger: some trigger
  • branch: on the JQL used for the original lookup
    • action: comment on issue (from the branch)


Kind regards,

Hi Bill

Thanks for the quick reply. My connectivity dipped whilst uploading the images. I think I might have created two questions now.

The JQL loop effort gives an error, the smart value option loops through the trigger issue.

See attachedAutomation - JQL Loop.pngLog - JQL Loop.pngResult - Smart value Loop.pngLog - Smart value Loop.pngAutomation - Smart value Loop.png

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 23, 2024

Yes, it appears that was the problem: looping over the data and not the issues.

If does not appear you need the Lookup Issues action.  Why did you use that?


Please change the JQL branch to use the JQL directly from the lookup and not the lookup results.

I had a good laugh at myself just now, thanks Bill.

As to why, it was a long day (LOL), It seems I helped myself to a bit of target fixation there.

Working perfectly now.

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 24, 2024

Awesome; I am glad to learn it is working now!

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