Automatic timeline

Yves Denys September 29, 2023


I work as an external analytics developer / consultant for a client. 

We use a kanban board for all the different request that we get :

  • development of new specs for 1 feature
  • bugs in tracking
  • make a dashboard
  • export data
  • account management

Sometimes there is a big project, for which we create an epic but most of the tasks are more of a one-off / going concern kind of matter. 

We could group all these under 1 epic. 

What I would like to be able to do, is see the different due dates for all the tickets we create on the timeline automatically after the ticket is created

Is there a way to do this? At the moment I have to manually put this on the timeline?

Thank for your help. 




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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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September 29, 2023

Hello @Yves Denys 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Are you talking about the basic Timeline function that is an option when viewing a board for a single project, or the Advanced Roadmaps Plan function?

For the basic Timeline function, in order for an issue to display in the timeline it must be either an Epic or a child of an Epic.

To show the time bars for a child issue in the Timeline you must have the Child-level issue scheduling feature turned on.

Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 9.52.25 AM.png


The child issue must also have the Start date and Due date fields filled in. 

If all three of the above conditions are met, then the time bar for the child issue should display in the basic Timeline.

If you are not experiencing that, can you provide more information about what you are experiencing?

Yves Denys October 3, 2023

Hey, @Trudy Claspill 

thank you

I have turned on this option in the menu. 

In the tickets that I create there is only the possibility to enter a DUE DATE  not the Start Date. 

Should I ask an admin to change this?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 3, 2023

Hello @Yves Denys 

Are you working with a Company Managed project or a Team Managed project?

Do you mean the field is not present in the Create Issue dialog? If so, use the Show Fields and Find Your Field option to find out why. If Find Your Field indicates the field is not available, you will have to work with an admin to get the field added.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 1.18.27 PM.png

If the field is not present for pre-existing issues but is present on the Create Issue screen, then check the More Fields area to see if it is hidden because it is empty.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 1.22.43 PM.png

If you are working with a Team Managed project and are a Project Administrator then you will have the power to add the field yourself. If you are no a Project Admin for the project then you would need to work with a Project Admin for that project to get that field added.

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Yves Denys October 3, 2023


Thank you for the reply. 

I do not have the "find your field" option in the tickets that I create, only the "show fields". 

I now know what to ask for. 

Problem solved i think!

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