Alter mysql Database collation utf8 to utfmb4

Christos Moysiadis
Rising Star
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December 20, 2018

Hello Atlassians, 

I need your opinion on this situation. So, i have a well running Jira 7.13, Confluence 3.16 and Bitbucket (need upgrade :P) combination running at the moment. The first two running are using a mysql database with collation utf8. 

Now i have problem with the service desk issue creation because of the smiley faces (emojis in sum). i am finding that if i alter to utf8mb4 this problem can be solved.

The question now:

  • How do i make it? Is there any correct method that i should follow without destroying everything?
  • Should i alter manually the database and then each table (it's a little bit too much work i think or not)? 
  • If my search is not correct please feel free to inform me.

Best Regards


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P_D_ Foerster
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 20, 2018

Hi @Christos Moysiadis,

currently this is only possible as a workaround for Jira > 7.3 in combination with MySQL 5.7.x and later (see Emojis and Special Characters for Jira with MySQL). If you want to have it supported by Atlassian, I recommend waiting for Jira 8.0 since this will be fixed in that version.

For Confluence and Bitbucket I found only these tickets:


Anyway, I do recommend not altering the database until you exactly know what you're doing :)

My company is affected by this as well and we will wait for an official fix by Atlassian. It is better this way than to have instances which were customized in a way that Atlassian cannot support them. Own manipulations on the application database are changes which aren't in Atlassian support scope.


Christos Moysiadis
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 20, 2018

@P_D_ Foerster

Thank you a lot for your reply and of course the search that you have already done. 


Kind regards


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