Adding a drop-down option to one Request Type without adding it to the rest of the field.

February 20, 2020

Is it possible to add a drop-down option to one Request Type without adding it to the rest of the field?image.png

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Joe Pitt
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February 20, 2020

What do you mean by 'field'  If you mean screen, then yes if you configure the field to just be in the one issue type and put it on the screens for that issue type. 

February 20, 2020

Hi Joe, thanks for the quick response!

What I mean is that a customer wants one field "Impacted System" (a drop-down list) to have an option that's available for one specific request type but not for others. Is that possible?

Joe Pitt
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February 20, 2020

We may have a terminology problem. It sounds like 'request type' for you is an option as part of an issue type, So in the Impacted System field there is a select list and if they pick a particular option in the list you want another field to become available? If that is the case, then No, not out of the box. You may be able to do it with scripts (which I don't use) 

When I initially read your question I interpreted Request Type as an Issue type like Bug, Task, etc. and you just wanted the field to be on Task and not bug or any other. 

February 20, 2020

Hi Joe,

I'm talking about a Jira Service Desk project, so when the customer is about to submit a ticket, the customer will have the option of choosing from three groups "Incident", "Request", and "Feedback" as shown in the image I just attached to the original post.

Then, if the customer clicks on "Request" and chooses "Request Access", they will have clicked on what I called a "Request Type". "Request Access" creates an issue of type "Service Request", which is also used by "Request Information". The Create Issue screen for the "Service Request" issue type of this project has a field called "Impacted System" that is a drop-down menu. I would like the option "Ai Service Desk" to appear as a drop-down option only if the customer picks "Request Access".

Joe Pitt
Community Leader
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February 20, 2020

I don't have service desk so I don't know what is available.  I suggest you add a tag of Service Desk to the question.

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