ACP-120 JA Where is the "Restrict any issue" permission?

Diogo Teles
February 21, 2023

Hi all,


I am currently going through the ACP-120 JA Certification prep course and reached a section on Team-Managed Project permissions that says

"And who is allowed to set restrictions? The answer is that any role that has permission to "Restrict any issue" can do so."

In the current team-based project settings, I can't find the screen where you can assign this permission to a role. It does not appear as an option when creating a new custom role. Documentation about the subject makes no mention of this

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Has this been discontinued, or am I just missing it?

If it has been discontinued, do you know howay to define which roles can change issue restrictions on a team-managed project?

Thank you!

Screenshot 2023-02-21 134836.png

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Riley Venable
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February 21, 2023
You can assign the "Restrict any issue" permission to a role in the Access page of the Project settings. Go to Project settings > Access. Learn more about roles and permissions in team-managed projects
Diogo Teles
February 23, 2023

Hi, thank you for the reply. 

I had indeed missed that option when I was looking for it in the role configuration options list. It is tucked away under the permission options for "Work on Issue" 

Screenshot 2023-02-23 143438.png

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