In these series of articles I want to talk about performance testing of Atlassian Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket.
I will not discuss the methodology of performance testing, I will discuss only the technical aspects of performance testing with dc-app-performance-toolkit provided by Atlassian.
This toolkit lets you test such Atlassian products as Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket for performance. I love this toolkit because you do not have to spend hours to make it work, it just works out of the box.
This toolkit uses Taurus, jmeter and Selenium for testing.
You can use the toolkit for the following purpose:
The steps which are needed for performance testing of Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket are the same, that is why I will provide examples only for Jira performance testing. If there is something special for a product, I will mention it.
You would need git installed on your PC to reproduce examples in this tutorial.
First you need to clone the toolkit with the following command:
You will have the dc-app-perfromance-toolkit folder created. Move to this folder:
cd dc-app-performance-toolkit
Now you need to install all dependencies and tools which are used for performance testing by the dc-app-perfromance-toolkit.
To accomplish this task, please, follow the instructions in the path_to_dc_app_performance_toolkit/README.md file.
Before running performance tests you should read documentation provided in the path_to_dc_app_performance_toolkit/doc.
The contents of the folder are:
Please, read this documentation before running performance tests. I will stop only on important things which are not mentioned in the documentation.
Before running performance tests you should provide information about your instance in jira.yml, confluence.yml or bitbucket.yml file which are placed in the path_to_dc_app_performance_toolkit/app folder. These files are the configuration files for Taurus. You can find more information on Taurus configuration files here.
I will explain in detail the jira.yml file.
settings is a section in the Taurus configuration file. It contains top-level settings for Taurus. You can find more information on the settings section here.
artifacts-dir: results/jira/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S
artifacts-dir is a path template where to save artifact files. Here is the list of artifact files:
- log of bzt run.error_artifacts
- folder with screenshots and HTMLs of Selenium fails.jmeter.err
- JMeter errors log.kpi.jtl
- JMeter raw data.pytest.out
- detailed log of Selenium execution, including stacktraces of Selenium fails.selenium.jtl
- Selenium raw data.results.csv
- consolidated results of execution.resutls_summary.log
- detailed summary of the run.jira.yml
- jira.yml file which were used for the test run. aggregator: consolidator
aggregator contains the module alias for top-level results aggregator to be used for collecting results and passing it to reporters. You can read more about aggregators here.
verbose: false
verbose lets you run taurus in debug mode. We do not use the debug mode.
env sets environment variables. You can read more here.
application_hostname: localhost # Jira DC hostname without protocol and port e.g. test-jira.atlassian.com or localhost
application_protocol: http # http or https
application_port: 2990 # 80, 443, 8080, 2990, etc
application_postfix: /jira # e.g. /jira in case of url like http://localhost:2990/jira
admin_login: admin
admin_password: admin
This set of parameters contains information about your Jira instance. I will test on my localhost Jira instance. I set all parameters accordingly. These parameters will be used in jmeter, selenium and other scripts.
concurrency: 200
test_duration: 45m
These parameters will be passed to the execution engine of Taurus. I will explain the meaning of these parameters later in the execution section.
WEBDRIVER_VISIBLE sets visibility of Chrome browser during Selenium execution. We make Chrome browser invisible.
JMETER_VERSION defines the version of jmeter, which will be used for testing.
allow_analytics: Yes # Allow sending basic run analytics to Atlassian. These analytics help us to understand how the tool is being used and help us to continue to invest in this tooling. For more details please see our README.
services is a section in the Taurus configuration file. It provides information about services which perform some actions before test starts, after test starts, or in parallel with running test. You can read more about services here.
- module: shellexec
Shell executor is used to perform additional shell commands at various test execution phases.
- python util/environment_checker.py
- python util/data_preparation/jira/prepare-data.py
- python util/jmeter_post_check.py
- python util/jtl_convertor/jtls-to-csv.py kpi.jtl selenium.jtl
- python util/analytics.py jira
- python util/cleanup_results_dir.py
Prepare, shutdown and post-process are Taurus lifecycle stages. You can read more about Taurus lifecycle here. Each stage runs certain scripts. Here is a short description of each script:
Execution is a section of the Taurus configuration file. Execution objects represent actual underlying tool executions. You can find more information here.
- scenario: jmeter
concurrency: ${concurrency}
hold-for: ${test_duration}
ramp-up: 3m
Jmeter execution parameters. You can find more information here.
concurrency - number of target concurrent virtual users. It means that jmeter will execute scripts emulating 200 users simultaneously.
ramp-up - ramp-up time to reach target concurrency. if you execute performance testing it is a good practice to reach the target concurrency gradually.
hold-for - time to hold the target concurrency. When you reached the target concurrency you will execute tests for this amount of time.
- scenario: selenium
executor: selenium
runner: pytest
hold-for: ${test_duration}
Selenium execution parameters. You can find more information here.
executor - the executor.
runner - test runner. We use pytest.
hold-for - time to hold target concurrency.
scenarios is a section of the Taurus configuration file. It provides parameters for all scenarios declared in the execution section.
script: selenium_ui/jira_ui.py
script provides path to Selenium tests.
# provides path to the jmeter project file
script: jmeter/jira.jmx
application_hostname: ${application_hostname}
application_protocol: ${application_protocol}
application_port: ${application_port}
application_postfix: ${application_postfix}
# Workload model
# the number of actions for an hour.
total_actions_per_hr: 54500
# actions and the % of execution within one hour. The sum of all parameters must equal to 100%
perc_create_issue: 4
perc_search_jql: 13
perc_view_issue: 43
perc_view_project_summary: 4
perc_view_dashboard: 12
perc_edit_issue: 4
perc_add_comment: 2
perc_browse_projects: 4
perc_view_scrum_board: 3
perc_view_kanban_board: 3
perc_view_backlog: 6
perc_browse_boards: 2
perc_standalone_extension: 0 # By default disabled
script provides path to the jmeter project file.
total_actions_per_hr sets the number of actions performed within one hour.
perc_ parameters set the percentage of execution of each operation per hour. The sum of all perc_ parameters must be equal to 100%.
rtimes-len: 0 # CONFSRVDEV-7631 reduce sampling
percentiles: [] # CONFSRVDEV-7631 disable all percentiles due to Taurus's excessive memory usage
modules is a section in the Taurus configuration file. This section contains a list of classes to load and the settings of these classes.
version: ${JMETER_VERSION}
detect-plugins: true
memory-xmx: 8G # allow JMeter to use up to 8G of memory
- bzm-parallel=0.4
- bzm-random-csv=0.6
- jpgc-casutg=2.5
- jpgc-dummy=0.2
- jpgc-ffw=2.0
- jpgc-fifo=0.2
- jpgc-functions=2.1
- jpgc-json=2.6
- jpgc-perfmon=2.1
- jpgc-prmctl=0.4
- jpgc-tst=2.4
- jpgc-wsc=0.3
- tilln-sshmon=1.0
- jpgc-cmd=2.2
- jpgc-synthesis=2.2
server.rmi.ssl.disable: true
java.rmi.server.hostname: localhost
httpsampler.ignore_failed_embedded_resources: "true"
jmeter provides properties for the Jmeter module. You can read more about Jmeter properties here.
detect-plugins - JMeter Plugins Manager allows you to install necessary plugins for your jmx file automatically. Yes, we want to install required plugins automatically.
plugins - a list of JMeter plugins you want to use.
system-properties - system properties for JMeter in system properties section. You can find more information on Jmeter system properties here.
# version of the chrome driver
version: "80.0.3987.106" # Supports Chrome version 80. You can refer to http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
selenium provides Selenium settings.
chromedriver - the version of the chrome driver we will use for testing.
- data-source: sample-labels
module: junit-xml
Reporting is a section in the Taurus configuration file, which provides analysis and reporting settings. We say that we want the JUnit xml reporting. You can find more information here.
Alexey Matveev
software developer
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