Jira Cloud Navigation Comparison

A new navigation for Jira Cloud is on the way!  Atlassian is returning to Jira’s navigation roots by replacing the left sidebar menu with a top nav bar. Former Jira Server users will find the design very familiar.

Users are likely to adopt these changes quickly. My colleague, Chris Lutz, who has previously only used the vertical navigation, said the new look is really easy to get used to. He likes that his primary dashboard is easier to find and says “the new experience much more intuitive”.

Here’s a “before and after” comparison so you’re prepared when the change comes to your application.

Nav Comparison

Compare the numbered areas in the left “before” image to their new location in the right “after” image.

View Comparison Graphic

  1. Jira logo – This is the “home” link. Click this to go to the “Your work” page. Before, only the icon was clickable. Now you can click anywhere on the Jira logo.
  2. “Starred and recent” icon – Your favorite and recently viewed items are now incorporated into the “Search” menu. Click in the text field to expand it and see your items.
  3. Magnifying glass icon – Search for issues and view recent boards, projects, and filters.
  4. Create button – Create new issues. The “+” icon is now a button labeled “Create”. It’s now located at the top middle of every Jira page.
  5. Notification bell icon – See notifications and updates on issues you’re watching.

View Comparison Graphic

  1. Application navigator icon – Switch to a different application or explore new Atlassian applications. The list of recent projects is now on the “Your work” page.
  2. Settings icon – Use the “gear” or “cog” icon to access application settings.
  3. Help icon – Use the “?” icon for the keyboard shortcuts list and links to documentation, the user community, and other resources.
  4. Avatar icon – Access your account and personal settings. When the new nav is available, you’ll be able to turn it on and off for a limited time.
  5. “Your work” page – See a list of issues assigned to you or worked on. See your recent or favorite issues, filters, boards, and dashboards.

View Comparison Graphic

  1. Projects link – The new experience shows favorite and recent projects in the drop down menu. Click the “View all projects” link for the list of all projects.
  2. Dashboards link – The new experience shows favorite and recent dashboards in the drop down menu. Click the “View all dashboards” link for the list of all dashboards. The order of the “Dashboards” and “Filters” links is switched in the new experience.
  3. Filters link – The new nav shows favorite and recent filters in the drop down menu. Click the “View all filters” link for the list of all filters. Click the “Advanced issue search” link to go to the Search page.
  4. People link – Search for people, search for teams, or create new teams.
  5. Settings link – This second Jira settings link is part of the
    “gear” or “cog” icon on the top right of the new nav.

New Jira Cloud “Apps” Link

New Jira Cloud Search Bar

New Jira Cloud Admin and Personal Settings

  1. Apps link – If you have additional apps, links to their setting pages are displayed in the drop down menu.
  2. “Go to all” buttons – The “View all” label, at the bottom of the Search menu, is now “Go to all”. This feature is a quick way to jump to the search page and lists of projects, filters, and people. This the only way to access the list of boards.
  3. Settings menu – The options in this menu are reordered, with the “User management” and “Billing” links at the top.
  4. Personal settings – Links to manage your personal Atlassian account and personal settings are now included in this menu. This is the only way to access your Jira settings, like time zone, language, and email preferences.

Jira Cloud Before and After

Here are some comparison screenshots of commonly used Jira areas.

“Your work” Page

Click the purple banner at the top to make this page your homepage.

Jira Cloud “Your work” Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only


Without the blue left nav, there’s more horizontal space to display gadget data. You can favorite dashboards directly in the drop down menu.

Jira Cloud Dashboard Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only

Projects List

In the new experience, the recent project colors are muted. You can favorite projects directly in the drop down menu.

Jira Cloud Projects List Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only


Without the blue left nav, there’s more horizontal space to display issue cards. The grey project sidebar is still present and collapsible.

Jira Cloud Board Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only


The search feature moved from the left sidebar to the top right of the screen. Click the text box to see items in the drop down. More information fits easily in this space. A column showing the associated project was added to the display.

Jira Cloud Search Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only

Search Results

Without the blue left nav, there’s more horizontal space to display columns. The grey “Filters” sidebar is still present and collapsible.

Jira Cloud Search Results Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only


In the past, the “cog” or “gear” icon was only visible to application and project admins. Now everyone can see it. A “Personal Settings” section is added to the bottom of the menu.

Jira Cloud Settings Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only

Application Navigator

The recent projects list is removed. See recent items on the “Your work” page instead.

Jira Cloud Admin Settings Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only

Project Admin Page

Without the blue left nav, there’s more horizontal space to display project configuration details. The grey project settings sidebar is still present and collapsible.

Jira Cloud Project Admin Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only

Issues Admin Page

Admins can access the admin pages with one less click. Without the blue left nav, there’s more horizontal space to display admin data. The grey admin sidebar is still present and collapsible.

Jira Cloud Admin Settings Comparison

View Comparison Graphic | View Before Only | View After Only

Navigation Controls

Jira Cloud New Navigation Announcement

When your Jira Cloud application receives the new navigation, you’ll see an announcement overlay, similar to the one above. Users have the ability to use the new nav right away or delay it for later. If you opt to use the new nav, an on-screen wizard will guide you through the changes.

I recommend trying out the new nav right away. This change is inevitable and should help you find Jira information very quickly.

Like Atlassian history? Also read:  Evolution of Jira Design


Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 26, 2020

Nice article Rachel! It is a good summary and illustration of the changes.

Although I consider myself a change advocate I will admit I'm not super excited about this one. I have become pretty accustomed to standing up right just in time to lie down again. ;-)  I'm sure I will adapt reasonably quickly but not sure how it will play out with the rest of the users. Time to put on my Captain Admin armor.

Chris Horne March 3, 2020

Is there an easy way to enroll my site in the new navigation now? I'd settle for a Jira Cloud EAP. Love the new UI!

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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March 3, 2020

@Chris Horne, you can reach out to https://support.atlassian.com/contact/#/ and request them to upgrade you sooner.

Taranjeet Singh
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March 4, 2020

Nice article Rachel! Very helpful indeed!

Egor Illarionov April 3, 2020

Is there any way to use the previous UI? I administrate different sites and they have different UI. The oldest UI was more convenient for me

Rachel Wright
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April 3, 2020

Hi @Egor Illarionov, yes, you can "turn off" the new UI for a limited time.  At the top right, click your avatar icon and select the "Turn off the New Navigation" item in the menu.

BUT, before you do it, consider that the new nav will become permanent, regardless of your selection, on an unknown future date.  Whenever Atlassian gives me the opportunity to temporarily turn off or delay a feature, I try not to do it.  Instead, I use the time to get used to the inevitable change.  At lease this way you can "ease into" it.

Hope this helps,

Rachel Wright
Author, Jira Strategy Admin Workbook

Rafal Mikolajczak May 12, 2020

Sorry to say, but I also prefer the old nav better. Gives more vertical space, and feels... better and modern. Any way we can keep the old nav alive longer?

Second question: I have just created a new account on behalf of another company, and in there - there is no option to "turn off the new navigation". How can I do it there?

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 12, 2020

@Rafal Mikolajczak, you might wish to use the navigation feedback link if you have not already done so. It is clear the decision to move forward w/ the new navigation has been made but changes will continue based upon feedback. Invariably the old navigation will eventually disappear so adjusting to the the new is inevitable.


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