Sometimes on a daily basis, we need to view information about users/collaborators that are not visible on their Atlassian account profile, e.g., their phone number. Also, some users may set some details as private, as their location, for example.
In this article, I’ll share with you how to use the User Properties on User management along with the User Property custom field to show details about users on the ticket view.
Note 1: You need to be a Jira administrator and a Site administrator to perform the below steps.
Note 2: This is for company-managed projects only.
1. As a site-admin, go to Cog icon > User management.
2. From the users' page, click on the user you want to add the properties.
3. Click on ººº > Edit Jira properties.
If your organization already has Centralized user management, you may click on ººº > Edit Jira properties next to a product.
4. Add the necessary values on Key and Value and click on Add.
1. As a Jira administrator, go to Cog icon > Issues > Custom fields > Create custom field > Advanced.
2. Select User Property Field (< 255 characters) > Next > Add a name > Create.
3. On the next page, select the screens you want this field to be visible and click on Update.
4. Follow the same steps to create fields for each property.
1. From the Custom fields page, search for the fields you created.
2. Click on ººº > Context and default value.
3. Click on Edit default value.
4. In this example, I’m using the system field Assignee to pull these details, so for the value to be visible on the issue view you need to use:
The property key is the name of the property we set on the user profile (Step 1.4).
5. Click on Set default and then follow the same steps for the other fields.
In the example, I used the Assignee custom field, so when the ticket is assigned to a user/agent, both fields will be automatically updated with the properties.
It works when the ticket is assigned at the moment it's created or if the assignee is changed after that.
Angélica Luz
Support Engineer
Porto Alegre, Brazil
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