Use curl in a Linux Bash script:
curl -k -u ${admin_user}:${admin_password} -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" ${jira_server}${url_part2} \
| jq '.' > raw_file.json
# Extract field names, remove double quotes, sort
cat raw_file.json | jq '.[].name' | sed 's/"//g' | sort > nice_file.txt
Note: There is a separate REST-API to get only custom fields, but it's not working for me at this time. I will update once I find a solution.
1. The REST-API for Jira Server does not support getting only the custom fields.
Your recourse is to check the "id" key in the JSON (the file raw_file.json). If the value is "customfield_nnnnn", it's a custom field. Or, even simpler, you can check the key "custom" which is "true" for custom fields.
2. When you view the fields in the Jira UI
there may be fields which are marked Not configured for any context under the Available context(s) column.
I've found out that the REST-API call does not retrieve these fields.
Amir Katz (Outseer)
Technical Lead
Outseer, an RSA company
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