We all know that boards can be one of the most empowering ways our users interact with Jira projects. The ease of dragging and dropping cards from column to column provides a smooth and effortless transition of issues.
But, let's face it, those built-in boards for Team-managed projects and Jira Work Management projects (both Team-managed and Company-managed) can be very limiting when we need something more robust or flexible for board interaction.
And what about Jira Service Management projects? Well, they don't even have a built-in board!
Are we just stuck with that as our only solution? No! You can actually create a Jira Software board that can be used with each of those projects above. So, how do we get started?
The following guide specifically mentions JWM projects, but you can sub out the name for Team-managed or JWM.
1. Create a New Filter
You will need to create a filter for the JWM project, something like Project = ABC ORDER by Rank ASC where ABC is the project key for your JWM project. Be sure to save the filter and share it. Or you can use an existing filter if one exists with the same issues in it.
2. Go to your list of boards (https://yourdomain.atlassian.net/jira/boards) and click on Create board
3. Choose either Kanban or Scrum
4. Choose create based on an existing Filter.
5. Then attach it to the new filter you just created.
6. Set the Location Field.
For the Location field, you will not be able to use a Team-managed, Business, or JSM Project - only Classic Software projects. Or you can link to your profile - probably best in this case. But this will not keep the new board from working - it really only cares about the project(s) in the filter.
Then you are all set. You can modify the board as you need to.
One side note - you will not be able to click on the Board option as normal for the project as that will take you to the built-in board. You will need add a shortcut on the left side menu and include a link to the new board.
If you have questions or comments - be sure to post them here!
John Funk
Jira Business Administrator, Freeosk
ProVision Systems
Kalispell, MT
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