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Project Board

fatih.eksi November 2, 2022


We have a jira work project but when we look the board we don't see the all issues at project board.

For instance, it looks like there are only 3 issues in control status at board.

jira board.jpg

But when i look with jql,  i see 19 issues in control status.


could you give me any advice what is wrong about it 

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John Funk
Community Leader
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November 2, 2022

Hi Fatih,

It looks like the Control status is a Done category of status. Done status category issues will disappear after the issue has been moved to those statuses after 2 weeks. That is probably what is happening with the issues on your board.

This cannot be changed right now. 

fatih.eksi November 3, 2022

Hi John,

thanks for your reply. :) I understood how it is running now.

John Funk
Community Leader
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November 3, 2022


David Morgan November 8, 2022

@John Funk - thanks for this, most helpful!

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David Morgan November 8, 2022

@John Funk is there a way of re-instating Issues which were in the Done status please? Also this auto-archiving isn't very helpful.... is a permanent fix being developed?

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 8, 2022

I hope there is a fix coming for the board - you can already do it on the List.

Your other option is to create a second board and view them there. Here is an article I wrote earlier this year on how to do that. Give it a Like for me if it is helpful  :-)

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