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Personal private boards

Kai Wiemer July 12, 2023

Hey community 🙌

How can a JWM user easily set up a personal and private board for their own (non-team) work management?

fyi: we are still in the testing phase and on the free plan (less than 10 test users`)



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Trudy Claspill
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July 12, 2023

Hello @Kai Wiemer 

Jira Cloud has two project "architectures" supported in all Jira Products. They are "Company Managed" projects and "Team Managed" projects.

Company Managed projects can be created only by Jira Administrators. The configuration elements (workflows, fields, screens, permissions) are managed by Jira Administrators.

Team Managed project customizations can be managed by the Project Administrators of those projects. The customizations are limited to that specific project.

There is a Global Setting that Jira Administrators can use to allow non-admins to create Team Managed projects themselves, or an Admin could create a Team Managed project for the user and make that user a Project Administrator for that project. That user could then use the project for their own tasks and set who else has access to it.

For more information on the differences between these architectures refer to:

This is from the Jira Software product documentation, but it will give you some ideas about the differences. You'll also find references to differences between the architectures in the Jira Work Management documentation.

Kai Wiemer July 14, 2023

Thank you Trudy. 🙌

I could not find the option you mentioned ("There is a Global Setting that Jira Administrators can use to allow non-admins to create Team Managed projects themselves"). Where do I find it?

For testing purposes I as an admin just created a team-managed board for a colleague of mine and assigned her the admin role. That worked. 👍

A follow-up question is now, how to create such a JWM board based on a filter. Background: people should see their tasks from other boards also in their private aggregated board.

Best and thank you in advance


Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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July 14, 2023

1) The global setting to allow non-admins to create Team Managed projects is part of the Global Permissions settings found under the System settings.

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2) The filter for the board of a Team Managed project cannot be changed. Such a board will display only issues from the one Team Managed project.

Users that have a Jira Software license can create additional boards based on a Saved Filter. If you have only the JWM product, or the user is licensed only for the JWM product, the option to create additional boards is not available.

If the option is available, the board that is created will present like the boards that are made for Jira Software Company Managed projects. You can't create a board based on a saved filter that will present like a Jira Work Management project/board. That presentation is available only for a JWM project.

If users want to create a board that shows issues from a custom filter, they will have to create that filter, save that filter, and then manually create a board from that filter. Boards can be manually created from filters by going to the Boards list and using the wizard launched by the Create Board button.

Boards list: https://<your Jira URL>/jira/boards?contains=


If the user does not share the filter, does not share the board, and sets the board location as their Personal folder, then other users won't be able to see it.

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However, any changes that the user makes to issues via that board will be reflected in all boards where those same issues are displayed. This is not making a copy of the issues in a personal board for that user.

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John Funk
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July 12, 2023

Hi Kai,

Gotcha covered man! See this article that will help guide you through the process. If it is helpful, give it Like.  :-)

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