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How to create tasks from field inputs on a request in JWM?

Alex Lock October 23, 2023

I am trying to automate creation of tasks that come off a request. The concept is basically that the JWM project would act as a conduit for tasks that then need to disseminate to a few other teams.

So idea is you would have a field like:

What do you require?

  • Security Badge
  • AD Access
  • MS Licences

The idea is that each one of those options would create a new task in the relevant service project that handles those sort of requests. It's basically a simple request that sits across a set of teams in order to accomplish. This automation would make it a lot easier to see how we're progressing across the company to achieve these.

Any ideas? So far I've been toying with 'When a field changes' but it doesn't seem to let you set it to trigger when a certain value is picked.

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Trudy Claspill
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October 23, 2023

Hello @Alex Lock 

In the example you provided, is the "What do you require?" field being set when the issue is created? Is it ever changed after that?

Is that an example of a JWM form, or an actual field in the resulting JWM issue?

Can the field in the JWM issue end up with more than one value?

If it is set when the issue is created then your Automation Rule should use the "Issue Created" trigger.

After that the next steps depend on whether or not the field that holds the information is a multiple selection field or a single selection field.

Alex.lock October 23, 2023

In theory, it should be once. Ideally, the users fill in a form then that creates an issue in the JWM that then cascades to various service projects.

I was playing with both fields in the form as well as the JWM issue. If we can do it in the forms, that'd be much better.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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October 24, 2023

Hello @Alex Lock 

I don't work a lot with JWM Forms, but it appears that the fields on the forms correspond to fields in the issue.

Is the field a multiple selection fields or a single selection field?

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