automation sum

Mattia Battan March 25, 2024

hello everyone, I need help with an automation for our accounting department.

The accounting manager creates a task for him and then creates 2 to 10 sub-tasks for some employees (varies by task).

In the sub-tasks the employees have to enter a number (costs) in a numeric field and he would like that every time an employee writes in his sub-task something in this field, in his main task, all the values entered in all the sub-tasks are added up.

For example:
common field in task and sub-task: "Cost center"

- main task: cost center = 600 (automatic sum each time the "cost centers" of sub-tasks are changed)
- sub-task1: cost center: 100
- sub-task2: cost center: 200
- sub-task3: cost center: 300

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Walter Buggenhout
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March 25, 2024

Hi @Mattia Battan,

Your automation rule could look like this:

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 10.17.32.png 

Since I don't have a cost center field in my test instance, I used story points instead. So just replace that with cost center for your use case.

As a smart value to do the calculation, use the following formula in the edit issue action for the cost center field:

{{issue.subtasks.cost center.sum}}

Hope this helps!

Mattia Battan March 25, 2024

hi Walter, it worked perfectly, thank you!

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