Time tracking - Montly evaluations

Catherine Dufour March 26, 2024


My team presents monthly to our supervisors. We need to be able to track how much time was entered per person on which tasks over a certain period of time (ex: employee X worked 40h last week, 10h on this project and 30h on this other project).

The problem is that our team's tasks can take up to 120hrs to complete, and breaking them down in small tasks is nearly impossible. Even when they are short (ex: 20hrs), they often spread over more than one week from start to end date. Time report is thus never accurate given that we can only track time by issues and not by time logged by user between dates.

Is there any way to track time entered over a specific period through the JQL and/or in our dashboards?


4 answers

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Amay Purohit_RVS
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March 26, 2024

Hi @Catherine Dufour 

Welcome to the community !!

If you would be interested in a mktplace app to get this data, you can try the add-on we have developed. You can easily view time entries by multiple resources in a single view. And also add your Jira columns in the report with the ability to export to a CSV as well.

Worklogs Time Tracking & Timesheets

The app allows to filter/Categorize/Group By your worklogs data and a timesheet view too to track individual time spent. 

Disclaimer : I work for the vendor who built this app


1 vote
Trudy Claspill
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March 26, 2024

Hello @Catherine Dufour 

Welcome to the Atlassian community!

Jira Cloud does not provide a report natively to meet your requirement.

Are you willing to consider a third party app?

At a previous employer I used 

Worklogs - Time tracking and Reports

It was pretty simple to use and not terribly expensive.

There are, of course, many apps available to produce time reports. You should review each one to see which will best suit your needs. Here is a search from the Atlassian Marketplace to help you get started.


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Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 26, 2024

Hi @Catherine Dufour 

In Jira, you can track the time logged by each person on different tasks over specific periods, even if the tasks span multiple weeks or are very long. However, directly querying for time logged by a user over a specific period using JQL has its limitations, as JQL primarily focuses on issues rather than worklogs. Yet, you can achieve your goal through a combination of Jira's reporting and dashboard features, and possibly with the help of add-ons.

Using Jira's Built-in Features

  1. Work Log Report: This report allows you to see the time logged against issues for a specific project over a given period. However, it's more project-focused and might not be as granular on a per-user basis as you'd like.

  2. Issue Navigator: Using the Issue Navigator, you can create filters that show issues worked on by specific users within a date range. However, this will show when work was done on the issue, not specifically the time logged within your date range.

    Example JQL for issues worked on by a specific user:

    worklogAuthor = "username" AND worklogDate >= "start date" AND worklogDate <= "end date"

    This shows issues where the user has logged work within the specified dates, but not the exact time logged during that period.

  3. Dashboard Gadgets: There are several gadgets you can add to a dashboard to monitor work, such as the "Workload Pie Chart" or "Time Tracking". These can be configured based on your projects and issues, but might not directly offer the per-user, per-time-period granularity out of the box.

Using Add-ons

For more sophisticated tracking, consider using Jira add-ons available from the Atlassian Marketplace. Add-on like Planyway can provide detailed time tracking and reporting features that go beyond Jira's default capabilities. It allows you to:

  • Log work in a more detailed manner, including by user and date, across different projects.
  • Generate detailed reports that break down logged time by user, task, and time period, exactly as you require.
  • Create custom dashboards that specifically track and report on the time each team member spends on tasks within any given period.

Time Tracker

0 votes
Gracjan Wesołowski _HeroCoders_
Rising Star
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March 26, 2024

Hi @Catherine Dufour 

Welcome to the community!

You might consider using time-tracking apps that in most cases have a customizable report of tracked time on issues.

I can recommend our Clockwork Automated Time Tracking & Timesheets Pro, or Free app which offers you the possibility to review timesheets and create reports that can be configured in various ways using break-down and filtering options.

Using timesheets, you can create a report and filter it based on several options including labels, or other fields. You can choose a range for a whole year and break down the data by chosen fields. This information can be also exported to Excel files.

We have recently also developed a Team feature that allows you to create Teams which can be used in timesheet filters and breakdowns. When a team is selected for a timesheet/report, all users in the team will be included in the report even if they do not have any worklogs for the selected timeframe.

Please find below the sample of how the timesheet looks like:

gif (1).gif

If you have any questions you can contact us via our help center.



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