Sprint modification report

slim nasraoui
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March 19, 2024

Hi JIRA community,

I want to create a report to track the number of modifications per sprint. I.e US removed and added.

Two dimensionnal gadget lokks ok but i can't create any filter to track issues that has been removed/Added from a sprint

Need your help! ;)


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March 19, 2024

Hi @slim nasraoui 

Jira sprint changes.jpg

This view is available in-app and as a gadget.

  • It is also possible to see all updates made to any issue field for a particular sprint.

how to get Jira Sprint history.png

How to track Jira sprint history?

Let me know if you need any further assistance.


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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 19, 2024

Hi @slim nasraoui and welcome,

burdown chart already contains those information. You have evidence about scope changes including issues added/removed from the sprint itself. Isn't it?

Hope this helps,


slim nasraoui
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March 19, 2024

It is. But i want to track those modifications from a sprint to another. So i can see trends. I use this report to check how POs works with the users? It can be symptomatic of bad priorization or bad communication between PO and internal customers.

In order to avoid to run a burndown chart for each sprint and get those values manually and put them into excel. I wondered if there is a way to track them in a single report/using gadget from one sprint to another

Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 19, 2024

That process should be part of retrospective ceremony. For my knowledge you can't do that using bultin report. Probably you need to setup something custom using reporting app like EazyBI.



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