How to track Jira sprint history?

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Jira sprint history is the key to monitoring your team activities. If you know how you did in the previous sprint, you have more chances to improve your current performance. Analyzing your past activities is possible with some Jira tools you will find in this article.

Sprint history in Jira helps you to:

  • Review the scope of work
  • See the milestones your team faced
  • Check how the team divided up the tasks
  • Find out what updates each team member has made
  • Get performance records for a regulatory audit

How do I see previous Sprint issues in Jira?

🔹 For very basic information, you can try the Advanced issue search. Here you add the sprint you want to find and additional filters if you need them. Or you can type JQL: sprint = ”SprintName”.

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Result: You will get brief details about the issue scope for the sprint, issue statuses, assignees created/updated/resolution date, etc. 

🔹 Another way to see the previous Sprint issues is to open the Sprint Burndown chart or Sprint report in the Report section. Here you can choose up to 10 previous sprints to check your team's performance.

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  • Chart with the work scope and how you managed to complete it during the sprint. Each point shows changes to the issue: for example, when the issue was added to sprint, when the estimate was updated, transition to done.
  • Under the chart, you can also find the list with scope change logs, completed and uncompleted issues.

How to get complete Sprint history in Jira?

🔹 If you want to have your own journal with every event recorded for every issue, check out Issue History for Jira app. It will help you to filter past activities by Sprint and adjust the report according to your needs.

You can add any standard or custom field to the grid and monitor its updates. You will know what was changed, when and by which user.

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  • Full Sprint history for all issues with every change recorded.
  • Customizable report where you can play with data as you build a lego constructor.
  • A ready-to-use database for internal/external audits.
  • Export Jira Sprint history to CSV/Excel with two clicks.

Find more details here: How to capture sprint changes in Jira


Check out the solutions above: 

Get previous Sprint issues and their details: built-in  Advanced issue search/JQL, Sprint Burndown Chart

Get the complete report of Jira Sprint history with every activity recorded: Issue History for Jira add-on.

Try how it works for you with a 30-day free trial



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