Multiple boards on one project but treated separately

tom_clewes February 8, 2023


We are trying to configure a project for one of our internal teams whereby we have the one project (Project ABC) and we then have boards attached to the Project (Board A, Board B, Board C) and we would like to have each individual board treated individually.

We our using a Jira cloud account and have a company managed project with five different Kanban-type boards. We want each board to have its own ‘issue types’ related to it and therefore be filtered to only show this. We are needing help with three different things here:
  1. We want each ‘issue type’ to show different fields (e.g. description and due date) in the ‘create’ an issue box
  2. We want each board to then have a filter to only show this ‘issue type’
  3. We want each board to have different access permissions
Essentially, what we are trying to do is have different boards with different permissions and different swim lanes all with the same project. Please let us know if this is possible, or if there is a much easier / better way to configure this.
Thank you.

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Dave Mathijs
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February 8, 2023

Hi @tom_clewes , welcome to the Atlassian Community!

  1. You can use the Filter Query to filter out specific issue types on each board (A, B, C)
  2. You cannot use different field configurations for the same issue type in 1 project. You can however create a separate field configuration per issue type and use these in a field configuration scheme. This allows certain field (f.e. description and due date) to be required for one issue type, but optional for another issue type
  3. Boards cannot have difference access permissions because these are given on project level. You can however share the filters used on the different board with different people.
Trudy Claspill
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February 8, 2023

Adding to @Dave Mathijs 's reply...

Can you clarify what you mean by wanting the boards to have different permissions?

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