I get "an unexpected error occured" in a red box when trying to look at Managed Apps

melissa_horan October 5, 2021

Anytime I try to render a list of Managed apps in either my primary or sandbox instance I receive the error.  I have tried clearing my cache, logging into Atlassian using an Incognito window and using a different browser with no luck.  I figured I would stop in here before submitting a formal ticket to Atlassian for help.  Thanks in advance.

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Brant Schroeder
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October 5, 2021

@melissa_horan I checked our instances and we are not having this issue so I doubt it has something to do with the hosting.  Did you install a new app or update an app recently?  Sounds like there is a problem with one of the apps.  I would submit a formal support issue and they will be able to look at your instance and see what the issue is and help resolve it.

melissa_horan October 6, 2021

Thanks for your reply.  I will submit a formal support issue.  Others in our org are not having the issue, so it's specific to me.  But I am the Atlassian Admin so it's kinda important!!!!  Thanks again.

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