How to use teams in JQL

Fitzpatrick, Oliver August 14, 2023


I have set-up a new team (top nav > teams > create a team).

I then went to use this in JQL but couldn't find a way for it to work. I tried...

  • "Team[Team]" =
  • "Team[Select List (multiple choices)]" = 

Can anyone help?

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Fernando Eugênio da Silva
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August 14, 2023

@Fitzpatrick, Oliver 

The 'Teams' you see in the main menu is only for cases of virtual teams where you mention all team members to the same notification using @

If you want to have team tracking within Jira, you must create a Shared Team within the Advanced Roadmaps (Plans) structure.

See how:

Click on Plans
Click on View Shared Teams

You will see the 'Create team' option and you will be able to create teams and add people within it.

You can use this team in Jira's 'Team' field to associate the team with the issue and then have the tracking through the "Team[Team]" field.

You can see more details here:

Hope this helps you.

Fitzpatrick, Oliver August 14, 2023

Many thanks @Fernando Eugênio da Silva - this now works and in the auto-dropdown I can now see a created team (using plans).

However, my query still doesn't work...

component = "XYZ " AND statusCategory = Done AND updated >=2023-07-31 AND updated <=2023-08-11 AND labels != Blocked AND "Team[Team]" = 18

Excluding the team part of this query brings up all the work within the above criteria, which includes some work of the team I created. However, it finds no issues with the team part included?


I'm essentially trying to look for work that has been completed by each team.

Fernando Eugênio da Silva
Community Leader
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August 14, 2023

@Fitzpatrick, Oliver 

Have you enabled the field Team in your Jira issues and filled the field with the value of current team?

Looks like this:


You need to fill the field on the issues with your team so your JQL will bring your results by team.

Fitzpatrick, Oliver August 14, 2023

Ah ok, I didn't know I have to assign each issue to a team. I thought the team functionality would collect assigned issues from anyone who is in the team.

In that case, is there another way to achieve what I'm looking for?

Again: a way to segment assigned issues to a team. Would I have to just use the 'assignee is in (XXXXX,XXXXX,XXXXX)' JQL? I just tend to find it's hard to maintain the lists of user numbers when people leave / join!

Fernando Eugênio da Silva
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 15, 2023

@Fitzpatrick, Oliver 

There's no easy way. The last option would be use groups with the membersof function in your JQL. See more here: JQL functions | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Support

About use Teams for JQL functions, there's an Atlassian ticket opened requesting for this suggestion, you can see more details here: JRACLOUD-77746

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