How to remove team member from JIRA SOFTWARE[FREE]

Arjun Misra November 4, 2020

Hey --

I have project and we are using Jira Software. I temporarly added two members to view the board. I would like to remove them now but I can not seem to remove them. I only can add people. I am an administrator on the project but since it is a free version all members are admins.

Is there an option I am missing? How do I remove them from the project?


Thank you! 

2 answers

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colin_j_connelly March 23, 2023

I have to agree with Nick.  An inability to remove someone from a project or even change a user is something that would have impacted my decision to recommend this product if I had known about it.  I work in governments in countries with extremely low budgets and no access to a credit card.  Any software with recurring costs simply does not get the invoice paid on the second payment.  This product was helpful as a free tool but this limitation in the environments I work in will have me looking for alternatives.  Forcing someone to start an entirely new project to change a user is absurd, assuming that is even possible using the existing email addresses.

John Funk
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March 23, 2023

It’s like any other software, you have to pay for full features. You can’t expect a free piece of software to do everything you want it to do. You can make the user an active and they will not have access to the project.

Nick Nifadeff March 23, 2023

How can removing a new user within the user cap be a feature?

It's clearly a bug, a negligence, a dont-give-a-shit attitude. Feature could be adding AND removing a user.

If Atlassian feels too stingy to give a usable access for free to its products, remove this free tier plan. But don't call this basic functionality "a feature".

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colin_j_connelly March 23, 2023

I think you missed my point.  My issue is making free users aware of this limitation at decision time, not the limitation itself.

And, I would never expect free software to "do everything you want it to do" but the ability to change a user on a short list of users is one of those things I would consider basic functionality.  But that's me.  Simply because changing a user in the free version actually means deleting your entire project and starting the entire project again with a new user list.  Which is perhaps something free users should have awareness of before deciding to engage the free version of this product.

Nick Nifadeff March 23, 2023

I think they've introduced this "feature" accidentally, and now prioritising other "jiras", for instance, bug fixing for paid users.

Atlassian don't have time/desire to fix it now for free users, and coin this bug as a "feature".

I wouldn't release software with such "feature", it can be damaging to the firm's reputation.

Chimdimma Nwachukwu
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I am retracting my initial comment because I have been able to remove users from my board without deleting my project. If you still have issues with removing a member after an automatic upgrade, check out this article.

Thank you.


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John Funk
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November 5, 2020

Hi Arjun - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Is this a Next-gen Project? Or a Classic Software Project? 

Arjun Misra November 5, 2020

Hi John --

Thank you for the welcome!

It is a next-gen project

Thank you,


John Funk
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November 5, 2020

You should be able to go to Project Settings > Access and remove the user from access to the project. 

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Arjun Misra November 6, 2020

I do not see the remove option anywhere is plan site. Maybe I missed it?


Here is a couple of screenshots:


Screen Shot 2020-11-06 at 1.50.24 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-11-06 at 1.50.30 PM.png

Daniel Ebers
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November 7, 2020

You did it all correctly but "Free" plans do not permit this kind of access settings.
You would have to upgrade your plan.
Please also review the explanation on that:

The current behaviour is: Anyone with access to the "yoursitename" site can access and administer this project.

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Arjun Misra November 7, 2020

Hi Daniel --

Thanks! That makes sense. weird but makes sense.

Thank you,


Nick Nifadeff July 29, 2022

What sense does it make? You can add user to project, but cannot delete it? It's a non-human logic.

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John Funk
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July 29, 2022

The point is that it doesn't matter with a Free version - everyone has access to everything. It doesn't matter which role you give them or don't give them - they are still treated as Administrators. 

Tien Lit
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September 4, 2022

Hi, I'm an administrator and not free version user, how can i remove team member? 

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colin_j_connelly March 23, 2023

See my reply.  It looks like you have to delete your entire project and start again with a new user list if you want to change the user list.  Perhaps John can verify that is the correct procedure for changing a user in the free version.

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