How to print ticket activity history

Nichole Lewis September 19, 2023

Each Jira ticket has Activity History.  I would like to print to pdf the Activity History tab to submit evidence to Audit team

2 answers

2 votes
Atlassian Partner
September 19, 2023

Hi @Nichole Lewis 

It's possible to еxport change history using REST API or plugins from the Marketplace. You can check the options described in the article below.

How to export issue history from Jira?

2 votes
Atlassian Partner
September 19, 2023

To print the activity history of a Jira ticket to PDF, you can use the Better PDF Exporter app by Midori. This app allows you to export Jira issues to PDF with customizable templates and layouts, including the issue history log.

Here are the steps to export the activity history of a Jira ticket using Better PDF Exporter: - - Open the Jira ticket whose activity history you want to print.
- Click on the Export button located at the top-right corner of the ticket.
- Select PDF (All fields) from the dropdown menu.
- In the Export PDF dialog, select the Issue History checkbox under Additional Fields. Click on Export to generate the PDF.
The resulting PDF will contain all the fields of the Jira ticket, including its activity history log

Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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September 19, 2023

@Peter_DevSamurai Thanks for  mentioning the Better PDF Exporter app!

It is actually easier to get the change history. Just click "Export this issue to PDF" and choose this export type from the options in the popup:


Then you will get a document (PDF version) like this:


Note that it contains not only the change history, but other details like field values, comments, etc.

Levente Szabo _Midori_
Atlassian Partner
September 19, 2023

Hi @Nichole Lewis 

Exactly, as Nghia and Aron said. Here are a few further export samples to give you an idea of what a PDF with the issue history looks like, created with Better PDF Exporter.

(I'm part of the team developing Better PDF Exporter.)

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