How to print multiple cards

Michael Beatty February 26, 2024

I have found multiple resources online that give instructions to print multiple cards.  Here is one example.


I am not seeing, however, those steps.  I know I have printed multiple cards in the past, has this functionality been removed?  Is there a workaround to select and print multiple cards at once?

2 answers

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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February 27, 2024

You can prints physical cards from any set of issues using the Better PDF Exporter.

You can customize the fields on the cards, their size (one per page or a grid of multiple cards), the paper size, QR code, etc.

jira-agile-storycard-with-qr-code (1).png

(Discl. this is a paid and supported app developed by our team. Free for 10 users!)

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Trudy Claspill
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February 26, 2024

Hello @Michael Beatty 

In the post your referenced is an answer that references Atlassian documentation here:

That documentation states at the top of the article:

In the enhanced board and backlog views, the ability to print issue cards is no longer available. Learn more about the changes to the board and backlog views

So, yes, the native functionality appears to have been removed.

The post answer suggests a third party app as an alternative.

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