How to create an EasyBi Report showing how much SLA data per assignee and group

Kameel Naidoo November 20, 2023


So within our Jira, we have multiple Team managed projects which are our customers (we have multiple request types that are for support tickets, asset repairs and such)


Now, what is required is a report or dashboard to display this 

Which assignee group -> assignee and if they initiated a "clock-stop" which is when the SLA counter is paused, we are in need of a way that can dynamically go through projects or parameters to do then show currently all clock-stopped by who and their member group 


We have EasyBi, but doesn't seem to be able to display in this way. 

What I tried to do is use status time to make a report, but this isn't what I need. I want to know if paused and who paused and how long this pause is running. Is this possible to go about in a standard way? with EasyBi or this plugin

Screenshot 2023-11-21 090532.png

2 answers

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Christopher Maxwell
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November 23, 2023

Hi @Kameel Naidoo ,

I spent some time here and, while I am not a JSM expert, I am not seeing a way to query and display the information you are desiring.

How are you stopping the SLA clock?

In general, there are three ways to pause an SLA clock, and they are generally based on conditions rather than a user clicking "stop clock":

Here is a reference which covers common SLQ queries:

Yet none of the queries covers how to evaluate which user paused a clock.

Perhaps you could run a JQL query to display "paused()" issues and then, in the list of results, use the assignee as the one who last updated the ticket?

Yet the assignee may not be the one who updated the ticket... While the standard columns to view search results does not have a column for "last updated by", JQL does have an "updatedBy()" function.

Hopefully this helps, or at least gets you pointed in the right direction.

Kameel Naidoo November 23, 2023

So "Stop-Clock" is more an internal term we have become used to, but basically what is occurring is in Transitions there is one called clock-stop and in the SLA config it is set to pause in that status. In this plugin I am then collating both clock-stop transitions to the 1 count column, so I think it would make a good addition for reporting purposes. But seemingly the only way to do this to exact spec is to query the API and pull data, then do the appropriate calculative measures and create a view outside jira or in turn then supply that to EasyBi or such, lot's of hoops for something that should be part of the calculative reporting

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Christopher Maxwell
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November 24, 2023

Hi Kameel,

I agree - that's good data to collect. I think you're just ahead of the crowd with what you're gathering.

When you have a system in place, be sure to post the details here and mark this ticket as answered so that others can benefit from what you are doing. 

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Ilze Mezite November 29, 2023

Hi, @Kameel Naidoo 

I appreciate your interest in the eazyBI.


We are importing Issue change history data in the eazyBI; please read more here:

In this case, if you have a Statuss assigned to the Paused in the Jira SLA configuration, you can use measures: Days in transition status, Transition Author, Days in transition,  Transition to Status, and Transition From status to report the Paused status. 


For example, I have the "Waiting for customer" set as Paused.

Let's take the issue IP-11 as an example.image.png

Measure, "Days in transition", shows the time spent in this status. You can see that Sandra Adams paused the issue, and Adam Mint unpaused it. The issue was on pause for 0.001065 days.  


Measure, "Days in transition", is based on "Transition from status". All the paused time will be shown under the user who unpauses the issue.

Please, if you need support or you are stuck with the report building in eazyBI, don't hesitate to ask our support team:




Kameel Naidoo December 6, 2023

I even gave an example of what I need and this in no way accurately reflects the data needed. See image above, I need that in EasyBi

Rising Star
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December 8, 2023

Hi @Kameel Naidoo ,

Could you please advise that when the clock is stopped, is the status changed as well?


Best wishes,


Elita from

Kameel Naidoo December 11, 2023

Yes so it goes like such, the arrow indicates a status change.

Work In Progress -> Clock Stop then the SLA config is set to pause on the Clock Stop Status, depending on project and request type there could be 3 statuses that pause clock and so forth, it is not standardized. The only standard is that all our request types contain a status that would pause the respective SLA clock and we are wanting to express this data in a readable/reportable way. 

So for Customer 1 there is Clock Stop and Clock Stop - 3rd Party 

We want to tell which status it is in, how long the pause is running for and if I wanted to check is it on my internal clock stop or am I waiting on a 3rd party. 


Display should then be in this format ideally or closest match, as image above indicates

Person Name | Priority of Ticket | Current Status | How Long Paused 

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 12, 2023

Hi @Kameel Naidoo 

Thanks for following up!

In that case, I recommend looking into Issue Cycles functionality (you can learn more about issue cycles here -
and here -
Issue cycles allow you to group multiple statuses or only use one type of status, and once imported, eazyBI automatically creates various measures that you can use to analyze the amount of issues and time the issues spent in the Cycle (grouped statuses) or in a specific status. 

Once you import the cycle where you grouped your statuses, eazyBI will automatically import new measures, including the time the issue spent in these statuses.

Let me know if this works for you or if you have any follow-up questions!

Best wishes,

Elita from

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Kameel Naidoo December 12, 2023

Thank you for the references, I will look into these, Hoping to update this thread to help anyone else after it is solved

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