How can I create a Jira dashboard that shows story points picked up and completed per assignee?

Matt Carnevale
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February 20, 2024

I am new to creating dashboards and JQL in Jira. I'm looking to create a Jira dashboard to show the following. 

  • Target vs Actual Story Points Completion
  • Story Points "picked up" vs Completed per Assignee per Sprint (Shown by percentage)
  • Have any stories been added or removed during the sprint?
  • Time it takes for stories to go from each status in the swim lanes. Ex: In Progress > Code Review > QA > UAT > Complete. 
  • Also, I'm unable to find a good gadget to show a Velocity chart by sprint.


I have tried adding gadgets in Create Dashboard. I'm having a hard time trying to find gadgets for the bullet points above. I read that I could add a filter. I tried adding a filter, but I am unsure of how to break it down by assignee. I am very new to JQL so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Trudy Claspill
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February 20, 2024

Hello @Matt Carnevale 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Most, if not all, of what you have described is not available with native Jira functionality. Are you willing to consider getting one or more third party apps to achieve these goals?

What is your definition of Target vs. Actual story points completed? The number of story points for issues in a sprint can change during the sprint based on stories being added and removed, and the story point values themselves being changed within issues. At what point in time to you grab the total story points and say that was the "target"?

What is your definition of "picked up" by an Assignee and Completed by an Assignee? And who gets the "credit" if the issue has had multiple assignees?

Matt Carnevale
I'm New Here
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February 20, 2024

@Trudy Claspill Thanks for your quick response. My team is exploring the possibility of getting a 3rd party app to assist. 


To answer your question about Target vs. Actual, this would be the total story points committed at the beginning of the sprint vs the actual story points completed (for the whole team). I was hoping there was a way to also track this when stories have been added or removed. For our team, Story Point values should not be adjusted once they are pulled into the sprint. This should be discussed and agreed on by the team during refinement or Sprint Planning.


We are trying to break down the issues into bite sized chunks so there should not be multiple assignees on each issue. We are going to have to break down and then link separate issues for dev, qa, uat, devops, etc. Do you have any feedback on this?

Also, would there be a way to pull the same or similar data from the rule builder? Thanks again!

Trudy Claspill
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February 21, 2024

To answer your question about Target vs. Actual, this would be the total story points committed at the beginning of the sprint vs the actual story points completed (for the whole team).

There is not a field nor an easy way to calculate the Target (total story points at the start of the sprint) at a later date. That number is not stored in a singular field, and trying to figure out at a later date which issues were in a sprint when it began is extremely difficult. Issues could've been added, removed, and updated.

You could use an Automation rule triggered by a sprint being started to get the total story points for that sprint at that moment, and record that information somewhere or send the information to people via an email, to be reviewed later.

The same is true for getting the Actual story points. Getting the information at a later date is extremely difficult. Again you could use a rule to grab the value at the time the sprint is completed, and save that information somewhere.

I was hoping there was a way to also track this when stories have been added or removed. 

The Adaptavist ScriptRunner app has figured out a way to determine which issues have been added to a sprint after it was started, and provides a JQL function that you can use to get that information. I don't know exactly how they managed to do it. They might be using API calls to get issue history, searching it for entries where the Sprint field has been changed. I'm not aware of any "easy" way for this to be done with an Automation rule. I'm sure there are other posts in the community asking the same question, with answers from other SMEs.


You did not provide an answer for this question that I asked:

What is your definition of "picked up" by an Assignee and Completed by an Assignee? And who gets the "credit" if the issue has had multiple assignees?


Time it takes for stories to go from each status in the swim lanes. Ex: In Progress > Code Review > QA > UAT > Complete. 

The amount of time an issue spends in each status is not recorded in fields that you can search or extract. I believe Jira does some real-time calculations to support showing the Days In Status dots on agile board cards. To calculate this information yourself you would need to retrieve issue history information and parse it, or use custom fields and automation rules to record information as an issue is transitioned from one status to another. And you would have to consider how your calculations would be impacted by an issue moving backwards through the workflow, jumping over statuses (if your workflow supports that), and being in a given status at two different times. Again, this is not a simple task to accomplish, even with Automation.


For each of these topics there are multiple posts in the community which you can find using internet search engines.


Regarding the Velocity Chart on a dashboard, there is a change request for that:

And there are third party apps that provide alternatives. Here is one such app. I've never used it. And there could be others.

The above information was found doing an internet search for jira cloud velocity chart on dashboard

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Marlene Kegel - codefortynine
Atlassian Partner
February 28, 2024

Welcome to the community, @Matt Carnevale.

I am Marlene, product manager of Quick Filters for Jira Dashboards.

With our marketplace app, you can build advanced Jira dashboards and also aggregate values from any Jira number field. It is possible to show the sum, minimum or maximum values or average values. 

These features can help you with these use cases. 

  • Target vs Actual Story Points Completion
  • Story Points "picked up" vs Completed per Assignee per Sprint (Shown by percentage)

I would recommend to build the statistic with the Quick Issue Statistics gadget, and then add a filter to the Quick Controller gadget to filter it per assignee and sprint. 

You could also work with the Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget, use Story Points as the values to shown and the Assignee and Sprint as dimensions. 

You can check out Quick Filters for Jira Dashboards without installation on our demo dashboard. 


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