Help to format API webhook response

CEDRIC DEVAUX December 11, 2023

Hi community,


I need your help to format in a comment the webhook response body.

I use an automation to check the number of Configuration Item inside our CMDB containing at least the value entered by user in customfield.


In my automation; I send a api call to check if the CI exists or containing several result.

I get the result to keep any result value and then add it in the comment to inform user that CMDB contains at least 1 configuration item.

Currently I have a result separate by a comma and I want to put points before each result and then return to the line each time

I tried to format result and replace comma by a star as describe in this article it doesn't work.

To explain my need, I share with you the automation, the current result and desired result


Automation rule.pngComment format.png

2 answers

0 votes
CEDRIC DEVAUX February 19, 2024

I don't find the solution for the moment, anyone knows how to do this?


Thank you :)

0 votes
CEDRIC DEVAUX December 13, 2023

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