Dashboard with details of sprint board [included multiple projects] along with Story Points

Azar Ahmed August 29, 2023

I need to create a dashboard where i can include my Sprint board with story points. Sprint board consists of multiple projects.
Please navigate me to create a dashboard to solve the issue

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Karan Sachdev
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 30, 2023

Hello Azar,
Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

You may use the Sprint Health Gadget available in dashboards, which is a visual representation of your Sprint health.

  • You may use a board that contains multiple projects.

  • This gadget displays the overall progress of your Sprint in the form of story points.

  • If you have enabled parallel sprints and there are multiple active sprints on the board, you may configure your board and select one of the active sprints.


Below are the detailed steps to create the dashboard and include this gadget:


  1. From the top menu, select Dashboards > Create Dashboard.

  2. Enter the name and select the viewers and editors of the dashboard. (You may keep it private and edit these details later).

    Create dashboard.png
  3. Once you click Save, the blank dashboard opens up. From the list of gadgets available on the right side, search for Sprint and select Sprint Health Gadget.

  4. The gadget now appears on the dashboard. Select the board name and the Sprint to be displayed.

  5. Check the box if you want to auto-refresh the data. Click Save.

  6. Click Done on the top right to save changes to the dashboard.

Gadget config.png

Sample gadget view:

gadget output.png


0 votes
Danut M _StonikByte_
Atlassian Partner
August 31, 2023

Hi @Azar Ahmed,

If you need a dashboard with all the necessary charts for Scrum, like Sprint Burndown, Release Burndown, Team Velocity, etc have a look over this article on our blog: How to track multi-team or scaled-agile projects (such as SAFe®) in Jira with Great Gadgets app 


I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@stonikbyte.com.  

Thank you,

Danut Manda

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