Cloud license update time

David Arévalo March 4, 2024

Good morning people,

Let's imagine that I have 50 Cloud licenses for Jira Software and that I decide to expand the number of licenses to 100. How long does it take for this information to be updated on the Site, that is, to see that there are 100 licenses purchased instead of 50? It is immediate, it takes 24 hours to update..., etc?

Thank you and greetings.

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Walter Buggenhout
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March 4, 2024

Hi @David Arévalo,

When your order is processed, the update should be immediate. If you are trying to determine how long you can wait before the validity date of your quote, I would still suggest to not wait until the very last second or so to place your order. The same goes if you are purchasing the upgrade via a partner: while the upgrade is applied immediately, your partner may need some time to receive and process your order with Atlassian. You never know if any technical or other problems arise at the very last minute 😉

Hope this helps!

David Arévalo March 5, 2024

Hi @Walter Buggenhout

Thank you very much for the clarification!! It has been a great help.

Best regards.

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