Clone Service Desk Settings and Request Types

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January 4, 2017

Using JIRA Service Desk Cloud.

After spending time to prepare a single customer portal, some QandA, etc.
Create another customer, looks like I have to spend hours to configure the same and with similar or same QandA.

I do not find a copy, clone or create new from existing.


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January 4, 2017

Also, it did not seem intuitive to select a pre-existing group of persons to participate in the roles or pre-existing projects for business or software developer.

It seems to me, create a project, enter a name, select

..i want a software, biz and service desk spun up and connected properly

..i want group x to be users as they are spun up

....Choose an existing project(s) as clones in the spinup, applying the new title, client name, url, etc.


That would seem intuitive

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