Automation: assign issue to triggering user fails

Mikko Torniainen February 3, 2022

I have automation which should assign issue to user who triggered that automation, but it always fails with message 'Issue already assigned to user'. Issue is unassigned and passes previous test where that issue assignee is tested against being unassigned. If i put dedicated user to be assigned, automation works fine. 

Any ideas?



3 answers

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V_ Thomas
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June 15, 2022


Any solution founded ? same problem here


John Funk
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June 15, 2022

Hi @V_ Thomas 

What exactly is your problem? Can you identify the steps you take and what you think it should do but is not? 

Mikko Torniainen June 15, 2022

Nope. I also change to another project so this was kind of forgotten totally. Current project does not (yet) use automations.

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John Funk
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February 3, 2022

Hi Mikko,

Try doing an Edit issue instead of an Assign issue action.

Then use the same user value of User who triggered the event. 

Mikko Torniainen February 6, 2022

Hi John,

I tried with Edit issue and result was the same. Editing Assignee with specific user worked fine but User who triggered the event did not work properly.

John Funk
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June 16, 2022

Hey @Mikko Torniainen 

I am wondering if you can put a Re-fetch before you try to assign the issue and see if that helps. 

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Jack Brickey
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February 3, 2022

For test purposes could you try changing your trigger method. Maybe to something simple like comment added? I'm just wondering if the issue lies within the branch created trigger and would like to rule that out.

Mikko Torniainen February 6, 2022

Hello Jack,

Using Add comment did actually change Assignee to User who triggered the event.

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Mikko Torniainen February 11, 2022

Hello, Jack, 

I was wondering is this behavior considered as bug and should i report it or what would be the next actions?

Jack Brickey
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February 11, 2022

Wait...what do you mean by "Using Add comment did actually change Assignee to User who triggered the event."? I don't understand how adding a comment results in changing the assignee. Now, maybe depending on where you placed the comment in your rule it resolved some sort of race condition. Did you place the action to add comment just prior to "assign issue" action? Can you share your rule that currently is working with the comment action?

Jack Brickey
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February 11, 2022

Also I would be interested in returning to the original rule and assessing the logs when the failure occurs.

Mikko Torniainen February 11, 2022

Wait...what do you mean by "Using Add comment did actually change Assignee to User who triggered the event."

I meant that i changed trigger of that automation from Branch created to Comment Added, which caused automation to work properly. Then I set automation rule back to what it used to be as seen in below: 


And created new branch which triggered rule which audit log is below


It looks to me that whole assign issue task (Then: part) was not run in automation. Then i tried using Edit issue to explicitly assign ticket to triggering user.


Log looks like below, but story is still unassigned.


I am wondering if actual user is even available in Create Branch trigger or maybe there is something wrong in it. 

Jack Brickey
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February 11, 2022

So you're log is showing that it was successful and the issue was edited. But you're saying that when you go to view the issue the Assignee is in fact still unassigned? It really isn't making any sense. Clearly the rule is triggering correctly and you're getting past the issue unassigned condition and the action is executing. I can't understand why the assignee would still be empty after the rule runs. Can you look at the history of the issue and see if there's anything in there that would give a clue? Also could you manually see if you can assign the issue to the user that triggered the rule via the branch being created?

Mikko Torniainen February 11, 2022

It is exactly what i am also wondering. Rule is run successfully, but assigning does not happen.

History is empty as seen below. Automation has been run few times as i have testing this.

image.pngI am able to assign this is manually to me (i was the one creating different branches). Also, i can modify rule to assign it directly to me when rule is run and that will assign it to me also. Only time it does not work is when i try to assign this issue to the one who triggered the issue and trigger being Branch created

Below is history after i first manually assigned it to me, then i unassigned it to make rule successfully and last action is when i modified rule to assign issue to me when Branch created event is triggered.


So, i am thinking issue assignment does work but for some reason Branch created triggering rule with action to assign issue to User who triggered the event does not work properly. Weird.

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