Jira automation how to find who make the change in asset

Roman Kern April 3, 2024

Hello everyone. I have a problem to send mail if automation won't run correct. I need to send to initiator (a person who made the change) email.  The Send Mail Action returns:

Send email
Could not send email, the 'To' address field is empty. If you have referenced a field it may be empty.
the smart value for the initiator is empty too. Automation triggered by user (me) not from webhook or import. Even Import it would be me again.
Do I need to active some options to get initiator for the automation trigger??


initiator error.jpg

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Tessa Tuteleers
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April 3, 2024

hey @Roman Kern , 

you're right, normally the person who triggered the rule call always be used by smart value {{initiator}}. 

However, sadly for asset update triggers, this smart value is not available. 

If you need it you can do a REST call to the object history, and then parse the the user who did the latest change. 

Documentation and steps can be found here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-automate-logging-of-asset-value-changes-external-to-assets-1207191427.html

Hope this helps! 


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