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Jira Service Management CUSTOMER not receiving emails

Eric Selber October 4, 2021

There are two CUSTOMERS within my organization that do not receive emails from: <>

Everyone else is getting service desk emails.

These two accounts do receive email from: <>

Steps and checks we've done:

  • We deleted and recreated new active directory and office 365 accounts
  • There are no email (Outlook) rules on these accounts
  • There is nothing in junk or clutter, nor junk rules
  • We use mimecast and it is not blocking any other emails to other users
  • There are no mimecast blocks or filters on these accounts

Any suggestions are appreciated...........................



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Mikael Sandberg
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October 4, 2021

You may want to contact Atlassian support, sometimes emails that bounces once ends up on their suppression list. 

Eric Selber October 4, 2021

Thanks, this IS the answer!


I sent the customer invites prior to the email address being active (so much for being proactive), the emails bounced, and Atlassian added the addresses to the suppressed list.


Here is a snippet from the support response:

"When a bounce occurs, this will prevent our systems from emailing this address again, in an effort to prevent our emails from being blacklisted."

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