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How to connect portal customer (only) and Insight customer objects

Jule Helder September 28, 2022

Jira Service Management CLOUD:

(1) Our company is managing assets for different companies. So we created an object schema for each company which stores the assets, the locations, busines services, employees etc.

(2) For the customer portal I additionally created organizations and portal customers (so the employees of these companies can also view tickets created in the entire organization in their portal) 

Question: How do I map the portal organizatons/cutomers with their objects (e.g. company in insight = organization and employee in insight = customer in portal)? If my customers open a ticket in their portal, they should be able to only select their assets. As they have portal rights only there is no User ID I can connect to. And within the project I cannot find any User Key that could be linked in the object. 

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Mark Segall
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September 28, 2022

Hi @Jule Helder - Unfortunately, this is a challenge because as the customer is raising their request, the Organization field is like any other field where it is not actually captured in the system until after they've submitted the request.  At the time of issue creation, the only variable you have available is ${reporter}.  

The only way I've found to handle this scenario is that you recreate the Organization/User structure in Insight and have your assets reference it.  Then you can create Insight fields with Filter Issue Scope that map assets to ${reporter}

On the Insight schema, I typically create a User Scheme with an object type for Organizations and another object type for Users that references the Organization. Each of the assets then reference applicable organizations. 

The least painful way of populating is you put customers through a bit of an onboarding process...

  1. When they create their first request, automation creates a new user object for them
  2. The assignee then associates that user record to an appropriate organization

Once all the references are in place, the customer will then be able to see values in the relevant Insight fields.

You can get more complex with this over time leveraging the API, but this is a start.

Jule Helder October 10, 2022

Thanks @Mark Segall , I'll try that way! 

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